Raspberry Pi > Suggestions

Working games in Wine

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Games I have working in wine that I have not seen on the list:
1. American McGees Alice
2. Need for Speed 2 (not the special edition)
3.Need for Speed Underground
4. Kaan Barbarian's Blade (N64 style Hackn' Slash)
5. TMNT Battle Nexus (I have not tested with qjoypad yet, without it player 1 controller controls player 1 & 2. Perhaps qjoypad will fix this.)
6. Knight Rider 2 (Has a glitch where if you die game could possibly return you to emulationstation. I tested it twice and on the second test when I died it kept me in game)

Games that load but could not make work, I did not mess with configs or overclock for these games, also not tested with qjoypad):
1. Hitman Codename 47 (Character would not move, only look around)
2.Hitman Contract (slow and could not figure out how to shoot)
3. Sonic Heroes (slow in game)
4. Starship Troopers (froze on suit screen)
5. Terminator 3 (created profile then game went to black screen on start. Also took a long time to load, might need to press keyboard buttons after several minutes to jumpstart loading to main menu)
6. The Adventures of Princess (runs slow)
7. Haymaker (loads but on start game exits)
8. Need for Speed 2 Special Edition (reads less than 1 MB game storage for some reason, click OK then game loads but screen has graphic issues, you can start the game, but have to wait about a minute before car will drive. Graphics shutter a bit in game)

March 17th update
More working games In Wine.
1. HULK - runs well
2. Battle Storm Classics - runs well
3 Castlevania Bloodletting - runs but has hiccups
4. Cyber Shadow - runs well
5. Ghostbusters - runs well
6. Gun Girl - runs well
7. Halo-Zero - runs well
8. Metroid Confrontation - runs well
9. Metroid Redemption - runs well
10. Super Vampire Ninja Zero - runs well
11. Zelda Diablo - runs well
12. Zelda Realm of Shadows - runs well

nice work, will have to look into these later for myself ;)

Retro Devil #2:
Gamer007 good to see you here.  I assume you are same from Retropie forum .

We know your mugen list is super long . Thanks for the time and comments here .

TheRetro DevilMan:
@gamer007 Hope you do not mind, I moved your post here to Suggestion cause I do believe it would make a nice addition here.

Glad you moved it. After I posted it I wanted to move it. I realized the thread I was in, did not make sense for it to be there. Cheers!


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